3S 6 Os the .Excellency of the Soul. but a little Rain,,'4t may keep you dry , but if it rains much., the longer you ¡land under the Tree, the werfe you will bee : So, the things of this world may comfort and quiet s again(} a little trouble., but Riches, as I faid, Avail not in the day of wrath. They will not keep off the dreadful form of Gods wrath ; all there things are. uncertain , and will difappoint us. Now thefe and divers other Confiderations that might bee added , are the flrength of Reafon ground- ed 'upon the Scripture,. to convince a man of the va- nity of all the things of the world.. Now put all thefe Confederations together , and well may wee fay., as it was faid of the price that was given for. Chrift, that Zechariah prophefies of thofe thirty peeces a goody price that was given for him. You hear fometimes of Judas's fin , that hee betrayed Chrill for thirty peeces, a goodly price ; I may well apply this to your fouls , you that venture the lofs of your fouls for getting the world though you could pcibly .get all the world, .. con1derí g what . bath been, laid , it is a goodly price.; do You not fee what a goodly price is given for your foul ? if thefe things bee but made real to. you, .it would bee of marvelous ufe to help againll any temptation to any thing of this world. Now . you have feen what darknefle is upon all things, how they are all but glit- tering vanities, and not worth the venturing of the foul for, take heed of hazarding your fouls upon any of thefe . things, you will curie, your felves hereafter when it is too late; Oh curled wretch that I was., that I 1'nould yet venture upon ftnful waies that I was told would, in- ,danger, the ,eternal- : de(lru lion of my foul ! and not- withilanding I heard what a vanity was in all thefe things, yet for fuch a vanity I was drawn afide to lofe mine own foul ; well, you . fee the uplhot of all, that to venture your fouls for the gain -of the world , it is to venture the lofs of pearls for pebble hones, to venture Gold for dirt , yea for .dirt that : hath, a great deal of poifon.