On the excellency of the Soul. poifon in it , for fo it bath ; all thefe things in the world being feparated from God , they are not only dirt, but there is poifon in them. Now then, thefe things being laid together, you fee the point cleared , and all that loth remain it is but to binde up this in fe- veral Ufes and Applications;' If all thefe things bee fo poor and mean, what ufe are wee to make of all thefe Me ditations and Confiderations? U E. 357 Then for ufe, If thefe things bee fo, in the firfl place wee learn, not to envy at the profperity of ungodly men , whatever it be, let them ruffle it out for- a while here in this world , and carry all before them; let man have his day here in this world, there is no great caufe to envy him, if bee bee going on in tìich a way as hee is like to lofe his foul; poor miferable wretched creature that hee is, better ten thoufand times hee had never been born : Poor people that are wicked, (as many are) they have the curfe of God mingled in water, and rich men that are wicked , they have the curfe of God like poifon in their Wine ; now wee know, of the twain, the poifon will work more flrong- ly in Wine, than in Water, and fo of both, certainly un- godly rich men, that have moll of the world, are the moll miferable creatures, for they have more to anfwer for than others have, and their eflates are ufually fuel for their lulls, and fo their condition is worfe than the condition of any beggar that begs his bread from door to door ; And certainly there is no wicked rich man upon the earth, but if fo bee that:hee dye fo, bee will hereafter curfe the time that ever hee had an elate , and wifia hee had been a beggar,- and gone begging up and down in. his raggs, - for then hee had not had fo much to anfwer for before God. O hee is not a man to bee envied at ! What man is there that would - envy at a malefa6tour condemned to dye , though bee have on brave cloaths ? would not any one of you4 ._