Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

31 l'fal. On the Excellency of the. Seul. you rather fave your Ruffet plain fuit, or a- Leather fait, than a fuir of Velvet, and go to blee executed in it. I have read of t hryfoftom, who being invited to a feafl, as hee was a going, bee met with one a going to execution, and it fell out that the way to execution was a very fair way, but -the way that. lead him to his ,friends houfe, it was a dirty .Lie, and hee makes this meditation of it , Oh how much better is it to go in this dirty Lane, to go and rejoyce - with my friend, than in a fair plain way, and go as the other doth to execution ! hee was not willing to go his way, though it were a fair and plain way, but rather to go his own, though a foul and dirty, . hee conÇidered that the end of the way was different : So do not look,much upon men and women, what their prefent condition is, but look what their end is like to bee, and do not envy them. I fup- pofe you cannot but have heard the florÿ of a poor fouldier, that having a command from his General not to touch any thing upon pain of death, yet coining by a Vine, takes a bunch of Grapes; the General being very flri t, bee con- demns him to dye, becaufe of his difobedience, and as hee was going to execution, hee went eating the bunch of Grapes; his fellow-fouldier rebuk'd him , but hee gives him this anfwer, I pray yee do not envy my Grapes to mee, for they cojt mee dear: So truly wee have little caufe to envy the men of the world their Grapes that they have their mirth, their merry meetings, whatfoever they have, for it is like to coil them dear, it is like to coil them their fouls , they indanger their eternal perifhing; iand therefore there is no caufe at all to envy fuch. David ndeed was troubled a while when bee faw the profperity of the ungodly-, 73 but when hee went into the Sanîtuary, there hee atojerflood the :r end Oh my Erethren, you are come into the .San,,1ur ary, you are come now in the exercife of the .+ Word thus to hear what is like to become of ungodly men, that injoy all the world for their portion, their end is like to bee the lofs of their fouls eternally; d© not envy them Thou,dofl envythem, and fuppofe that God ihoulti fay to thee, well, it