Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

360 on the Excellency of the.Saul. Secondly, Wherefore in the fecond place, let all thofe that dó feek to get the world in thofe wales wherein they are like to lófe their fouls, let them lay this Scripture to heart, and O that God would fettle it upon their fpirits, that you might when you awake in the night feafon think of it; when you walk up and down, when you are in your :hops, in your bufinefs, think but of this Text ; I remember I told you in the beginning of one that counfelled one of the Kings of Portugal to think of this Text a quarter of an hour every day O that you would every time you awake , efpecially you that have been feeking after much of the world , think ferioufly of this Scripture, Am not I the man or woman that have hazarded my foul for feeking after fome'vhat of the world ? haft thou never fought to gate any thing of the world in a way of fin, and to this day thy heart nor thorowl! humbled for it, nor repented? it may bee not to this day made reftitution? hath not the eager purfuit after trie things of this world taken thy heart up fo much, that thou haft not favoured the things of God and eternal life? thou lookeft upon the things of the world, as if they were the onely rea- lities, but for fpiritual things, they are imaginations ; have not the things of this world fo, taken up thy fpirit, as made thee to have fleight thoughts of fpiritual and heavenly things ? haft not thou ()left thy feif in the injoyment of there things, though in the mean time God bath not made known tó thee the riches of his Kingdome ? yet thou haft thought thy Pelf to have enough in the enjoyment of what thou halt; haft not thou often , when thou haft been at the Word, had thy thoughts and fpirits about the things of the world, as the things futtable to thee, but the things. of the Word thou haft not relifht ? yea and any thing in the Word that bath come clofe to that covetous corruption Of thine, thy heart hath fecretly derided it; there are no men in the world that d© more fecretly condemn and deride the things of God fpiritual things, than worldly - minded men. In Luk; i6. i4. wee read that Chrift.preaching to the Pharifees againft their covetoufneff, and tel ling them That no man.càuld ferve two Moller:,