Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

36z on the E'xsellenGy; o f:tke4Senl, his cloath, hee reckons that the dying and the fpinning it, colt him fo much, ,I but what colt the wooll ? why, that was, his own, and hee accounted nothing of that ; So, filch and; filch things that thou haft, what do they coti ? they coil thus much, and thus much, I but hash not thy foul gone into the bargain ? and candy thou have pleafure in it, when it colt, thee fo dear as it hath? Pfal. 3 r. 6. the fpirit of holy Da- vid rifes up in indignation againft fuch men as thefe are , I have hated them that regard lying vanities; My fpirit cannot but with indignation and abomination rife up againR them; what ? that men fhould follow after vanity, when there are fuch glorious things to bee followed after ? when there is the bleffed God, and the glorious Riches of Grace and Salva- tion that are revealed in his Word that may take the hearts of the children of men , and yet they follow after vain things; men that have immortal fouls, capable of eternal communion with the Lord in the higheft Heavens, for them to follow after vanity, and fatisfke themfelves in fuch things, I hate them, faith David; certainly it is the curfe of God that is upán the hearts of men,that fufFers them to follow af- ter inch things, and efpecially in the times of the Gofpel, when fuch glorious things are revealed to their fouls, I fay the curfe of God is upon them, ifa. 44. 2o. Hee feedeth on .Ajhes, a deceived heart hath turned him afide, that hee cannot delver his fowl, ner fay, is there not a lye in my right hand : Hee feedeth of Afhes ; A deceived heart hath turned him 2fide, that hee cannot deliver his foul, there lies the for* evil of it; A deceived heart, hee needs not cart it upon the Devil, but it is his own bare filthy corrupt heart that dares not truft God for his foul for eternity, hee will have prefent things, come of it what will come.; hee knows what the Meaning of prefent things are, but what thofe are that are to come, hee knows not; a deceived heart hath feduced him, and bee cannot deliver his foul, nor fay, Is there not a lie in my right hand ? that is, is not the ftrength of my indeavour fet upon,falíhoods ?, the chief of my firength and indeavoúrs; is it not fet.uponï a lie ? (bryfofloane.fatth, If bee