An the Excellency of the Sorel, 3 7 vers afterwards came upon him, and put him to extremity of torments, and fet children upon him to rake his flefh With their knives, but at length, they would bee content if hee would but givenever fo little for the building up of the Idol Temple again, to let him go free, No, faith hee , no: one half-penny. Certainly this pointwill bee enough to juftitie any that (hall lofe eftate, or indure any thing in the world, rather than do any thing that may in the leaft degree hazard their fouls: And fo that Martyrefs juletta, when one accufed jer, and faid, that Thee was a Chriflian, nay, then faith the udge, you muff not have liberty of the Law, No, faith thee, then farewel riches, and life, and all ; thee would bee fure to keep her foul fafe, whatfoever became of all o:her things. . The Taft Ufe is an Ufe of Incouragement to thofe that will rather venture all in the waies of God, than to hazard their fouls; thou art the wife Merchant, that art willing to fellall for the Pearl, and biefs thy felt in God for this that ever God hath put this into thy heart, to look to that which is the main chance, as wee ufe to fay ; If God had left thee to thy felf, thou mighteft have gone on in fuch waies as others do, but canft thou fay, the Lord hath caufed the fear of himfelf, and the fear of eternity to fall upon my foal, and I can appeal to him, that whatever comes of mee in regard of outwards mee thinks I can bee fatisfied, fo bee it all things bee well with my foul ; I fay, biefs thy felf in God; a man is noiLto praife himfelf, but in God,that is thus,When thou doff c íifider how God hath drawn thy heart to him, and thy intereft in God, thou mayeft biefs thy felf in God, in the grace of God, that hash given thee a heart , taken offfroin creature- comforts, dif- ingaged from them , and fer upon the things that concern the eternal falvation of thy foul; biefs thy felf in God, and bee not troubled though thou beeft cut fhort in the things of this world. One would think that that which bath been faid about the vanity of the things of this world, fhould make people that are crofl'ed in them (if they bee godly) to bee fatisfied. What if thou art.