Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Ott the Excellency c f the Saul. 369 .1nd becaufe hee would no: deny the Truth, they flrike his body in all his members out if joynt, and when they had done that, they make wounds in all parts of his body, then thirdly, they bring Iron combs fharpened, and fo rake upon his body thus wounded, and when they had done that, they laid. him upon an,Iron grate, . and. jwith inflruments of Iron open thole wounds, and after that they melt hot burn- ing fait, and Brew it upon thofe wounds-being opened, and then they come with hot Irons, and fear him with thofe hot Irons, and after that dragg himby the heels into a dungeon, Where they had prepared ibarp ihélls, and there* and perished; here is One that w.:nt to Heaven upo n hard terms, you will fay;but God calls nor you to clo fo, but to deny your felves in fomebafe lull, in fome finful and ungodly way in fomething that you may fpare, that you may fpare as well as thewater out of your thooes, as wee ufe to fay, And then of a woman, that was of Noble birth, and yet thee being convented for Religion , and anfwering boldly and refolutely, and would not yeeld, after many tempta- tions and fair fpeeches, they dragged her by the hair of the head from the feat of Judicature, and having dragged her they pull off one joynt fromanother, and having done that, get the teeth and claws of wilde beafts, and rake her flefh from the bones, and having afterwards done that then they came with hot Irons'= and'orches, and burning flames, one of one fide, and another of another fide, and fcorch and burn her to death in fuch a way as that. was, . and yet thee goes on conflantly; fo bee it !Lee might fave her foul, thee was willing to indure all this mifery; wee do not know what God may çall you to before you die; many of our Bre- thren have fuffeted very lïárd "things , arid'God- may call you to hard things , Oh that this Text might prepare you ! And now my Brethren, as it hath been a means to carry o- thers thorow temptations , and many difficulties in this world, fo if you would lay but thefe truths to your hearts, and if you cannot think of every particular pafage , yet do but think of the Text, and take but this one Note, and that Aaa is,