Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

370 on the Excellency of the Soul. is, that whereas God calls others to fpend their flrengthì in fuffeting fo great evils, to fave their fouls; bee you willing to fpend the . ftrength that God fpares you, in doing , in fer- ving; fpend your firength in a& ive obedience fo much the more, by how much the lefs you are called to fpend it in the way of paffive obedience, that fo you may have caufe to biefs God for ever in Heaven, when you !hall come to fee foul and body to bee bleffed and faved eternally; you may biefs God for ever in Heaven for,revealing fuch a truth, and fetting home fuch a Text ; Wht fha11 it profit a man, though hee gain the whole world, and lofe hit foul ? and. what (hall a: man give in exchange for his foul ?