Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

xtolotottlib lilac itolotfts 1.14 fa At AA itg Antotc0 AttnectaN &- 4 71; .6 1609,1**.nryivoopiLvw4ro Glift iViFfi"iiPiti"1"intg TO THE A t- ,...., ..,. Chriftian Reader. , --,) 4 1 , READER; 46 0 0 a tr ... Lthough all men de. ,..) 2" - fire happinefs and\'' nothing be more ._ 14 needful to be known,' yer great are the mif----c5 takes of men there- , il'.5.r.t4t4*i about. Its not in fen- ,.......0, fuall pleafures , it fo, Dives had been happy, Luke 6. and thore made their bellies their gods , Phil. 3. 10 not in Honours, for then the Dragon and the Beaft fhould have been happy, Revel. r 3. 4. Its not in Riches , James 5. . Its nor in Habits or Nis of morall vertues, then Flea- thetas had been happy, and Paid in his Pha- ri