^v-q-4i To the Chri flian Reader. rifaifìne, Phil. 3. 6. I'ts not in knowledge,. Ecclef. r.. 18. nor in contemplation of divine things, for then Balaam had been fo, Nam. 2-4.3, 4. and Plato, whofe contemplations- were lush. Its in none of thefe,. burin what is laid downe by the Lord Chrift, and held forth in' this enfuing Worke. Some deny Saintfhip and happinefs to be in this life but David confutes the one , Pfd. 16. 9. and'Chrifl the other, Its true,. perfea hap. pinefs is not attainable in this life, becauíç there is a mixture of fin vanitie and mifery with every condition and thing we injoy The bell of men having more Wormwood then Wine : yet there is a true bleffednefs in this life, which confns in thofedualifica_ tions aaions and firfferings which have a cleare certain and ftrong tendency unto per áeß} happinefs, and may be eall'd Seminalis- or radicalis beatitndo ,. filch are the Beati tudes here mentioned., and many elfwhere in holy Writ, as delighting in the Law of God,7? f ai r.2. fearing the Lord, Pfal. t 12. a . being undefiled in the way, Pfal. r r 9. and fuck men are bleffed, but not limply bleffed for the qualities had, things done or