thi'ariftian Reader°. {hffered, but becaufe they lead up and iffue into perfeâ bkftèdnefs at 'aft. .,Reader, the times are.perillous, a fentencc of death is over moft, if not all thy cornferts, how foon thou mayeft be ftript of thy feem- ing happinefs,thou knowea not, if.thdu haft not a part in thefe Chriflian Beatitudes, thou art a miferable man, thy life is a dreawe, and thy death will be dreadful!. Here is pro- pounded unto thee not that the world calls Ble f fedne f s, or what thou thinkeft fo , but what the bleffed Sonne of the blei3ed God hath pronounced fo,and will be fund in like and death to be fo ; reckon and make that therefore thy blci` ednefs which the Lord CThrifi himfelfe accounts and calls blefled- nefs, and then let Times, Troubles , and :Changes be what they will , thou art a 'bier- fed man, (halt fo abide, and have a bleffed end. The Reverend Author of thefe Ser- mons Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs did fo, be- ing the fubjed he preach'd on before his death. There Sermons of his have layen thirteen years compleat this very day in the darke ( #or he dyed the r day of the 9th month