To the Chriftian Reader. 1'646. ) but by the help of that hand which took molt of thole Sermons are already in print, are now brought to light, difcovering- them lei ves to be the genuine Iír'ue of fuch a parent , the face of whole fpirit is livelyly. reprefented in them. Reader, the aime of thofe doe publifii them is that thou may eft know, delire, and attaine true Bléfednefs in thefe unhappy times, and have thy thoughts, affe6tions, and aetions fuitable unto filch an Happinefs, which that thou mayeft have, and they may be, is the earnef} delre The r4th of the sjfli/tI'iontb,r 659: William Greenhill.' William Bridge. Philip Nye. John Yates. William Aderly.. Mathem Mead.-