Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

t 1 ,-,.'1,7,1 I11,1.x.11SJ131áLl.Y,<.Ta:]S yOl.i'N-,I]. g,,,E t,, s a" er.- Or yyy^é' .3P.`", ,,S* }t-. ,. n +!-, m" r C(á' C! 6Ct l,: h ` $ y /J , ,° >1â?'j à, I t) 5 S,:, y i.+ t d,S b .,y,y:K b!;dsC r3,r .1,y1 TT r.T " k' i `3. Ra'.-<,i,,y,,>A,l 4.ra\ ,aT[`fi'he`,+c " l' I 5F.VI? 11Af.L SERMONS 'cached at Ciplegate, London . I. By Mr. 7cr, BUrrougl?s, 7 upon Chrií}s Sermon in the MOUNT. Match. 5. I. feeing the nrnititude he avent stp -into a moutt_ in, and when he ¡vas fit, his Difciples care tto hi,». .he opened his month, and tançht then a yin ed are the Poor in fpirit: pr theirs s the ingdotne of Heaven, &c. His Chapter with the 6 and 7 Chapters, are a Sermon that Jefus Chrifi preached upon the Mount, the Target} and fullef} Sermon that we have recorded in the.Scripture : The Sermon of Chrift himfelfe. I being folicirous what to pitch upon that be mol+ for your edification : This Tooke my thoughts, be more futable for a minister of Chrifl to preach of; B then rr<