(.."If r: f err nsafi 'Preach what Chrifl Preached, Olen the Sermon of Chrif ; and therefore I intend ( God willing) if life, and {trengrh,; and liberty continues to go- through this whole Sermon of Chrift unto you : --- For a Miniteer to preach other. mens Sermons it is ,negligence, but fo: him to preach Chriit Sermon it is faithfuhieile, lu the ad Cor. ,I 5. 2o. The Minitters of God are the A nbafla- dors of Chrift, and are to (peak unto people as if jefus Chrift make unto them, In hi.riead, and fo they are to look upon them, as coming to them in Chrifls feead, as if Ch :ï(Iwere (peaking : And if we mutt preach. as if Chrift were preach- ing , what more futable then to preach what Chrifi hash preached : This Sermon in thefe three whole Chapters, is a Sermon preached by the mouth of the Son of God himfelfe, of him that is the wit-dome of the Father, That bath all the treafures of wifdome in him, of him that bath been in the be- fome of the Father from all eternity and knowes all his mind, his whole heart, the Counfells of his will concerning mans eternall ëftate. And'ris he that is fent by the Father into the World, defign'd to this Office, to preach his mind and his will unto the children of men. O what artentión is call'd far, while you are hearing this Sermón of Chrift repeated to you, and opened and aprlyed unto you. Oh we have inÇnire caufe to blef e God for the way of knowing his mind by Jefus Chrift his Son : The Lord in fa- tier times did reveale his mind to .men feverall wayes. But now faith the Apoftie in the i Pleb. He bath -in thefe lall dayes fpoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appoynted heir of all things, by whom alfo lie made the worlds, who being the brivhtneffe of his Glory : the exprefle Image of this perfon, 6-c. O this is the happinefle of thofe that live- in the times of the Gofpell, that God fpeakes unto them by his Son, That Ch-ift is corne from the Father to make him known unto us : For no man 1Znowes the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveals him. Surely there are great things to be known of the mind of God, Peeing the . fecond.perfon in Trenity is defig 'd by the Father to come to preach,