Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

A Cprri4 cow!,ag from God to reveale the Coss (ell of God. preach his mind to the children of men : If we hear but of & friend that is come out of a farre county ro tell us newer. there t If the newes -be- of momunt, and neerly concerning us, and We know that chi; friend is. wife and fairhfull, and Will tell. tis nothing but that that's truth, we flock about hin ; Sometimes if one come hut- from the Army after force notable warre hash been done, and we know that he doth Underhand thiL s, and is faith furll, how gready are we to be with him, and to know what newes fro rthence - But here my Brethren we have ]efus Chrifl coming from God the Father, that knowes ,fully. all the mind of his Father, and is fent by the Father into the world to make known: to us all thole Counfells of Cod that were kept hid from the beginning of the world ; Newes about our eternall ehaces, for that's the Gofpel : The Gòf ell fianities nothing elfe but good newes that Chrih is tone tobwg, And therefore I befeech you hearken : faith God ?his is my well Beloved Son in whom dam Well plea= fed , heart him. I am now beginning, and intend ( God willing) is goe on preaching what drift faith : and therefore fo long as I kee7e to what he faith, you are to heare him in ir, and that will be a very great aggravation to your fin if yon mind not what Ball be prelched now, becaufe it is the Sermon of ]efus Chrifl that is to be opened , and the full-eft Sermon that we know of that ever he preacht, ( that is re- corded to us ) In the i z . ieb. fee what weight. the holy Ghoft layer upon this, That God bath made-'known him - felfe to us by his Son, verf. zg. See that ye refufe not hint that fpeaketh,, for f they draped not who refufed him that fpakç on Earth, much more (hall not we efcape if we turn sway from him that fpeaketh from Heaven : Here in this Chapter Chrifli fpeakes from Heaven ; though he were himfelfe upon earth- atthattime, yet we are to look ur on him as fpeaking from Heaven : For fo the words that are before f7aewes it's meant of 3efus the Mediatór of the New Cove- ham that came co preach : It's the Sermon of Chr if }that is B 2 our