Yi kether this he the fame Sermon the Evangeliff Luke records; our ft.b;et, and therefore cafis for ferious attention, and fear and Reverence ; And o that we would carry this thought with us all the while we hear him preaching out of thefe Chapters. All thac'.l shall doe at this time !hall be but to preface this Sermon : There are thefe Rx things conf derable in this Sermon. Firft, Becaufe we find this Sermon recorded not only in (Matthew, but allo in Luke, To inquire whether they be. the latne yea or no : For we shall find it of ufe, one will much in- lighten the other if they be the fame. Secondly, We (hall inquire at what time Chri-ft preached this Sermon, and upon what occafion. Thirdly, In what place he preacht it. Fourthly, To whom he preacht it. Fifthly, The manner of his preaching, and Sia,tly, The Scope -of bis Sermon, what ie did principally . ay me at : There fix things will be ufefull for the making way to what fhal l follow. For theFirft : Whether it be the fame Sermon that LrkT records I fi nd Interpreters are very much troubled about it and yet if you read the Sermon it felfe, you that( find, though not recorded fob. sly as (Matthew doth ir, yet the It b lance of it is the fame,and ahroft the fame wo:ds : In the 6 L<1, = He lift up his ej es on his Di fc- fle.r, and f aid, Clef ed are the pore, and fo he goes on JAI as here : --- And the reafon of the dot bt is,becaufe we find in Matthew that Chriff chofe his Difci;;les in the ro.Chaterand f nt them our, but we find in Lr%,rhat Chrift did chnofe his Difciples befo-e t his Se -mon was preach- ed in this 6 Chapter i 3, verf. Yòu (hail End that the twelve were feet out firft, and then the Sermon was preached; There's the difference : And then Secondly, Matthew faith that Jefus Chtift went up to the. mu-nine, and there taught his Difciples,verf. r. But Lo'kç fai h,'hecamedownwiththem . and flood in theplaine,and he lift up his eyes on his Difciples & Paid, &c. iWatthew faith he fat, and Lukf faith heflood in the plaint's fo that divers Interpreters fay it was a different Sernioir; But yet thefe may eafily be arífwered. For.