Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

to what OTountaine it was Chrif{' 'Preached on, are only geffuigs : Others I find doe Allegorife very much how a Minifler fhould be as upon the Mountain, and how heavenly he fhouldbe when he is a preaching,but I like it not to ftraine Scripture any further then I think to be the mea- ning of the holy Ghofl: therefore I think there is nothing elfe to be confidered then this, the conveniency of the Mountain, becaufe it was a retired place , and there being a clutter of people he could not be fo compofed among them to fpeake fo freely to Edification, therefore he retires unto a Mountaine . again, where he had fpent fo much time in prayer. Clrifl Both not flay till he comes to the Synagogue to preach; or the Temple : No, but takes any place that was a fitting place to preach unto the people: 'Tis not neceffary that there fhould be a confecrated place for the preaching of the Word. What Mountaine vas this ? You will fay. Some have thought it to be the Mountaine of Olivet, but that cannot poifìble be, for Chrifl was in the upper Gaulle at this time, and Mount Olivet was veer to yerufalem,_ as neer to lerufalem as Iflington is neer the City, but Chrìfl was about 4o. miles from Jerufalem at this time, therefore Jerome and others think it to be Mount Tabor. And certainly, This will further juflifie that preaching may be in any place where Miniflers have opportunity, and may be with peace and edification. There is a double vanity of conceit in people : Some men think that fome places are fa prophane by prophane ufes, that there muff not be no preach- ing there : and others think that fume places are too fuperfliti oufly ufed, and becaufe of the fuperflition that hath been there, there muff be no preaching there, they will not go to heere a Sermon becaufe of the Superflition of the place: Truly this may helpe us againft both thefe. For prophane,Certainly there is nothing don in any place that loth fo defile the place but that if occafion ferve there might 'be preaching in that place, and would be acceptable to God, . though it were in a place that had been a Play- houfe, it would not defile the work at all, if there can be no more convenient place:.