Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Three Things about the manier of Chrifls TreachnQ. Firll, That Chrif did fit and preach. Secondly, That he opened his mouth and fpake. And then the 3-- is, That Chrif faflned his -eyes upon his Difciples, that you have in the 6.of Luke. But we have z of thefe in Matth: That he fat and opened his mouth and' fpalte ; For the fitting, Chrifl when he,preached, he fa_ down, he did not ¡land as Preachers do now: And we . find it was the ordinary way of preaching among the 3 elves, for the Preacher to fit down: In the 2 3. Matth: z. 7 he Scribes and Pharifees fit in Mofes Chair, heare them, and do what they fay, faith Chrif, though do not what they doe, and fo you flall find it in the 24. Matth: 3. v, & Chap. 26. -5 5. you than fee in both thefe places that Chrifl when he came to Preach fat down : he floor up when he read the Law, but when he Prea= ched he fat downe, and fo in the 4. Lnke zo. In all theta Scriptures you may fee it was the manner in Preaching, to fit down : Now fome would make a figniftcancyy in it ; but I take it, it was only a civil geafure, that Chrif obferving what the way was at that time, he would conform himfelfe to the order-and way of fitting, not that it had any fpirituall fignifica- tion : As now, the French Miniflers, they Preach with their Hats on, I'ts the enflame there, and no Queflion, if any one were to go among them it were fit they fhould obferve the cuflomes that they have : and fo here, to fit downe, and -in other Churches to- fkand: -- - You will fay,Doth not this juflifie the conforming to Cere monies, in Churches : Chrif you fee conformed to this Cere -- mony of fitting :.and why fhad we Such a fir about kneeling at- Sacrament ? And Now to Anfwer, that cleerly thus, you mull know the diffe- rence of Ceremonies, whatfoever Ceremony is but meetly natural or civil, and is but helpful to the worflip of God in a. natural and civil way, certainely we f7;ould conforme to the cuflomes of Churches wherefoever we come. But now when a Ceremony comes to have a fpiritual ufe, and to have by the inftitútion of man fofne fpiritual:thing put upon it,as our Cere- monies