Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

About conformity to Ceremonies. monies had,then,tboughthey be but Ceremonies we muff not, except we Would fin againft Jefus Chritt and our confciences, we'muft not conforme to them ; for then they come to have fom.e worfhip in them, when they come to have fpirituall f g nifications, and there is that put upon them by way of in&itu- don ; But if there be no more in a Ceremony, then what the nature of the thing carryes with it to be helpful in Gods wor- fhip ;There's no CILaeflion but the prudence of men is enough for the ordering of that in it:As it's a natural helpe for people when they come to hear the word, to have convenient feats. It's a natural helpe fo when it's but ufed in a natural way, but now kneeling at Sacrament, and fuch Ceremonies, they had a fpiritual efficacie put into them, and an inftitution from them. And fo. for garments, for a Minifler to have a convenient garment, it's a naturall thing, but now, if they will make an inflitution, that a garment mull be therefore decent becaufe it's appointed and not elfe, for what decenfie is there in the nature of the thing, but all is in the inflitution that is put up- on it by man Therefore obferve here, whatfoever Ceremo- ny is but natural and helpful in a natural way, their there fhquld be no contention; we have no fuch cuftome, nor the Churches of God to contend about thefe, but if theycome to, have a Religious ufe put upon then, for fo it's Laid in the Common- Prayer -Booke ; Yo XI- up the dull minds of men,now, they come to be finfull, and therefore Chrift he obferved the Ceremony of the Texnès as a naturallhelpe. And 2dlY, Cbrift opened his, mouth and fpake:- Opened _his mouth you will fay, why is this mentioned ? . How could he fpeake elfe to them ? I anfwer, Ertl, There is a fpeaking though there is not an opening of ones mouth ; In the i i . Heb: -4. There the holy (Aloft (peaks of a fpeaking without opening of the mouth : By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent Sacrifice then Cain, bywhich he obtained witneffe that he was righteous, Cod teflifying of his-gifts : And by it he, being dead yet fpea- keth So there is a reall fpeaking as well as a verball one; and fo