Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

On the .Nature .óf `çod.. 29 a's hee hub manifefied hinifelf, in his word é Oh woe .to thati-Creature_that iliálli cone -to feel Min the greattefs bf,God doth"-txiean ic is' iivfitiitelyr better for thee t4 fall down before him l! and therefore this 'should bee the Exhortation to .alLtinners; - Confider-, ,Oh finful. Man or Exhort. woman:, what a God it -.ii thou dolf. conceit Zvi hall (hall the potfh'eard- give With his- Maker ? let one pot- .fheard:ftrivewith 'another, but let not the Creature ftrive with the Almighty, for liee Will bee infinitely too=hard for thee, and bee will: appear alone to bee excellent ; thoú dolt lift up thy will above his will, :as if fo bee that thou wouldeft rife above this infinite God , . but know , in defpite of thy heart bee will bee above. thee, hee bath thee under his feet this moment, and the fword of his juftice is at thy very heart , and hee can take thy heart blood when hee. pleafes , and fend thee down to eter- nal miferies ; there is no ftriving with fuch a God as this is , who is alone excellent ; the word bath pro- Ifa 4S. ceeded out of his mouth in 'Righteoufnefs that every ROLE. ,4. L knee muff bow unto him , and every tongue muff cone fefs this God; certainly one way or other bee will have his glory out of thee ; God can as well ceafe to be as not to have his glory out of every Creature; do ut confider of this, and learn to tremble before this od ; The Lord is excellent and glorioue above all thing and,' bee is refolved that hee will have, his glory from e- very Creature one way or other, and if it prove that hee comes upon thee to force it out of thee, better ten thoufand times that thou hadtt never been born; there- fore according to the Exhortation of the Holy Ghoft in i met . Scripture, , Ohl let us humb1 our felves.. under: the I g , aa.. -. mighty hand of God, and let us all fay Thom O Lord art alone excellent, and thy glory is above the Heavens and.' Earth, and the defile of our fouls 1J to l; ft tap thy Name as . the excellent thing above all Creataares. While wee live here in this world, this is our excellency, and bleffed is that man or woman that comes to fee this to be his ot- E 3. herz