Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

I 7 `i° ('t'tt t¡!` i' t(, á` y:4141111 Gofoci- evl.tor 44. ..5. .t,. : IN THREE TTREAT1SES1 4,r YiK, : t The 117tacre of God. 2 The Excellencies of Miff. rna The Excellency o Mans Immortal Sou1. 3 f 4;y 4, By ,EREM1,4H BURROUGHS , late Preacher of the 4. Gofpel at Stepney, and Giles- cripple-gate, London. 4; a. Publiflhed by t William Greenhill. ohn Yates. ` William Bridge. = . Matthew of ead. g. 4 . Philip Nye. William cil dderly; 4 8 Let tkc praif e the Name of the Lord for his Norme aazone is 4 .0 Excellent, Pfal. 148. 13. My Beloved is white and ruddy , the chiefefi of ten thouf and , ,g'. Cant. 5. ao. * Fear not them which gill the Body, but are not able to kill the Soul, 8 Macth. to. 28. 4 .1. 410 LONDON, ." Printed for Nath, Brook àt the Angel in Coraihill, and Thomas ParkZhurfi, at the three Crowns, over againíl the Great Conduit, at the lower end of Cheapfde. 166o. 21= p£ 21171 11ßaß. P2 ¢2?412