on the friture of Goy+. 47 God bath fet thee ? It may bee thou haft not thought that this was thy work ; but this is the work that God expze-ts from thee, that thou Ihouldeíe give up thy felf to study by all the means that poffibly thou cana, to lift up Gods Name , and deny thy own Name ; no matter though that bee cal} into the dirt , fo bee it the Name of God bee lifted up ; with this tefolution , Oh that you would but go away,and that this one note might lick in your hearts,I am convince I that the Name of God is infinitely glorious, and therefore for the time to come , through his Grace, what - foever becomes of mee , yet I will do what I can to lift up his Name. Confider what bath been fail in the Texts and the Lord give you underfi<anding.