68 M MAMAAW AW b bAAO AAA `J40 6 A ,m LVma van cllra setta eVra ceda aetra ce1f tn,eaa ° favl The Second SERMON 0N The Excellency of aryl. Ifaiah 9. 6. And his Name Pail bee called Wonderful. Christ Wonderful in his ,Offices. Hriil further is the Wonder pf the World in his Offices. In his Natsrres._ In his Perfora. In the manner of his Incarnation. In the endwhyhee was fent hither. And in his Ofices , in his Anointment as bee was Chrifi. Chrif lignifies the Anointed of God , and is all one with the . Iefias;that that was the Mafias in the Old Tef{ament, is Chrift in the New. The word lignifies Anointed. And Chrif} is the Anointed of the Father , Anointed to thofe three treat Offices, King, Priel+, and Prophet. Great in all thefe three Offices , never any man in the world had them all befóae, I fay, never man in the world was Anointed to thofe