MI Afilliiiiiir To theader. q,- :i Hou art here prefented with the living Sermons _ , ofone who is fain a leep v `?N_5 =ry in lefts, whofe memo - ` ry is Tweet and fragrant unto the Saints; Hee was famous for W the or(o f god and Chrfi in his ge- neration, and Inflrumental for the °be - gettingof many f iritual Children un- to the Lord'efus. The Author of thefe Sermons(Mr feremiab Burroughs) like ,Abel, being dead,yet fpea(eth : And of that, which is not only our Duty to hear, but our Priviledge tobe made acquainted with: for he Treats of god, of Chr f, and e7 ant Soul: three choice fubjeés.. &owr