Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

*3R ,Nz_tt& . #'C.Ar' 4 r e ìS 1fi Jd ?gin' 141'icicqcric A s riczgcrigqt4cv14 nil Jig fiqi.icwfii v*iilitTviiiT$ix SE R 11/I 0 Ñ XXXIIt. OR Reafons why righteoufre maß expeet to fuf. f-"er, M A T H. 5. Io. Ble fed are they which are perfecuted for Rigbteoufnef e false, for theirs is the king- dooe of heaven. 0 H N preached in a way of terrour, Now is the Ar laid to the root. of the tree: Chri ffs preaching is to Convey his Do&rine by (hewing them to be bleffed that do imbrace it. --- In this long Sermon of Chriff, he be- gins with bleffednefle : his bleling is luch as is above the apprehenfion of Ìteafon, even in every particular; he begins With the poore, and ends with the perfecuted ; Bleffed are the Poore in fpirit,and bleffed are they that are perfecuted. Righreoufnefie is enough toafcirre up the hearts of-men ro- oppofe'it,and tocaufe them to.perf çute it ; For that you have I John 3' Il. Scripture plentiful ; Not as Cain, who was of that wick d one, and flew his Brother : and wherefore flew he him : Surely he did him fome wrong, he did not behave himielfe like a Brother : _Cain was the elder Brother, and Atelthe younger; and he cid not know,his Diffance : No, that was not the matter ; where- . fore'