Reafons why righteoufneffemuft expeEt to fit ffer. fore flees he him ? becaafe his owns work! were evill, and his Bro- thers Righteous. There wad n other reafon why Cain fell upon his Brother, but becaufe his works were evil", and his Brothers Righteous. It was for . Righteóufneffe fake , and there's the fiat perfecution that we re,ad of in the, world. Ile name but another Scripture ; i Ep: of Per: 2, t 9. For this is than wo - thy, if a man for Con f cience towards God endure gri e e uJJ ng wrongfully. There is a fuffering meerely for Confcience tó- wards .God : I fhall need name no more. The Reafons are thefe. Firft , Becaùfe that righteoufnetîe it felfe , it is .that that Both oppofe the corruption of mens hearts, it's that that crof fes men in the wayes of their corruption, and men can endure much in any thing but onely againft their corruptions , againft force finfull ditlempers of their hearts : Righteoufneffe in one kind oppofes one mans corruptions one way,and anothers ano- ther way, but all mens corruptions are oppofed by righteouf- neffe : M a Godly man can bare wicked y thing b n onely when it is againft righteoufneffe; ( for force are of patient and quiet fpirits) but onely in that that oppofes their ine, Righteoufneffetis filch a thin, that car - Secóndly , Againe, call hearts fee no reafon for They fee men tht y be for ar er- in a way .of profefpion of Righteoufnefle , but land it, it's a hidden thing to them ; fo that in the i Pet. 4.4. They think». ftrange that you run not with them to the fame ex- ' ceffeof riot : that you will not doe as they doe. Thirdly, Rightedufnetfe condemns the world ; As it's faid of Noah, that, he condemned the world ; were it not for force then others, s, other r bm n would besaccountepd goodthone pitch mn, but when there s tome in v higher then they., upon a e condemned, e n in their own thl nr others rha t doe behold for comi g film of that Righteouffie Z z z that 53gß,