540 Reafons why rizhteoufnele muff erpe t to fuffer. that others doe attain too : and this they cannot beare, but their hearts fret againfl. . Fourthly, Righteoufneffe caufes men to hold to their prin- ciples in a conflant felled way how ever times alter ; let times alter this way or that way, Righteoufneffe if it be ingrafted in the hearts ofmen and women, it will make them hold to their principles, and goe on in their way, let heaven and earthmeet together. And the truth is, there s no way to keep from fuf= ferings, but to have fuch principles as may bend this way or that, according to the times ; Thole men Ile warrant you will keep from fufferings. You have men that are very witty to find out dillinccions,fo as they can fuit rhemfelves to all times; If the times goe this way, they can have a dillinaion tafuirto. that ; And if the times turne, they have a diflindion to fuit to that ; And if they turne the third time,they have a diltinaion to help them there. But now if Righteoufneffe prevaile in the heart, they keep on in their way ; and becaufe the times doe change up and down., they mutt meet with oppoftion : The wind doth not oppofe Weather- Cocks, but turnes them ac- cording to it;But now if you let up a thing that will not turne, the wind bluffers againtt that , if it turne not with it : Now Righteoufneffe keeps the heart in a fweet way towards God, let the wind turne which way it will, and therefore mull needs have the wind come bluflering againfl them; They keep clofe to their principles, and the men of the world, they think it's nothing but floutnefte of their hearts ; whereas indeed God knows, and their own Confciences know, that it is thdfe prin- ciples of Righteoufnefs that they have in them that keep their hearts Heady with God : Therefore they mull; fuffer. Fifthly , Righteoufneffe it holds forth a fpeciall claime of Interefl that Tome men have in God more then others,and the World cannot bear that. But now when men walk in wages of Righteoufneffe beyond others, this holds forth unto the world e that thofe men do claime a fpeciall Interell in God more then others ; And this makes the world (tonne at it, "and, therefore Righ teoufneffe muff expect to fuffet. By