Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

application of the Pcyr.t. 541 By way of Application. .Firfí, Here we may fee the wickedneife of the world, that would oppose Righteoufnetfe ; Righreoufnef'e,That that fhould make all the world in lovewith it,and in;unoured at the beau- ty of ir, and yet h it is, That when Righteoufnetfe comes a- broad in the world, it's that that is the very mark that ungod- ly men fhoote at ; Righteous men fhould be accounted the greaten blelhngs in the world ; Indeed they are , and if the world did but know it , they would account Righteous men that fhould hold forth the Image of God before others, they would account them to be as great bleflìngs to the world, as the Sun Moone and Starres are, and a great deale more : But now fuck is the vwickedneíie of the world, that thefe they, make the object of their wrath and hatred to perfecute: them. Secondly , Is it Righteoufneffe that's perfecuted in the. world ; Doe not then Judge any Caufe un;uff, unrighteous, becaufe it's perfecuted : Do not think that therefore the caufe is not-righteous, or thofe perfons are not righteous , becaufe they are perfecuted in the world, nay rather it's án Argument of Righteoufneffe ; If we fhould make that to be the Argu- ment to fway our Judgements, certainly (Thrill himlelfe and his Apeales 4wuld not be accounted Righteous, nor their Caufe a righteous Caufe;Thofe men that liv'd in Chrifi;s time, if they Mould have gon by this Rule, That fuch as are oppo- fed; and perfecuted, they are the wort} people, furely their Caufe is not good; Then Chriff mull be accounted unrighte- ous, and his Caufe fo : O never judge fo, this is an unrighte ous Judgement. Thirdly, Let men take heed, that-they doe not ref +them felves,too much in a righteous Caufe, as to think that that (hall be enough to free them from fuf Bring ; no, you are de- ceived in this, many peöple think, well, what care I, my caufe is good , what then, doe you think that that'fhatl' keep you fro131 fuffering, O no, your Caufe may be good, and your per- fcans;