541 cApplicátion of the pope, Eons goad, and you may manage your Caufe well, and yet fuf- fer for all that, And therefore prepare for kutferings. Fourthly , And then laftly, If Righteoufnet3e muff be per- fecuted, Let thofe that profefle righteoufiieffe, take heed they give no other ocçalïon of perfecution but their righteoufneffe ; The world will perfecute you doe you what you can, be you never fo Righteous,you muff meete with troubles ; Therefore feeing you muff meete with oppofirion in the world,take heed you doe not fuffer as evill doers ; Let not your sufferings b:e for fuch things as your Confciences !Toll tell you you have not done well in :0 the people of God had need walk very exaÈt- ly in the mid'ff of the world, for there is fornethin they muff fuffer, Oh let them not add to their fufferings. I have often thought this, That wheuïuch as are prof:ffors of Religion live among men that are carnali and wicked , becaufe rhq muff keep conffant unto the principles of Religion, and refolves to fuffer for them, therefore they had need of all other things, walk the moff inofenfively of any; And be willing to be the fervants of "all men fo farre as they can with a good confeience, that thereby they may declare that when they doe any thi:hg in way of oppofition unto thofe that they live among, it's nothing but meerely Confcience puts them upon it, whereas now if men that protege Religion have afower flubborne fpirit in things that they may yeeld too, thin when they out of Con- fcience are put upon the ffandrng out againft thofe that they rive withall and cannot yeeld,yet fuch as they live among will jrid ge, that the realm why they doe not yeeld , it is nor out of; Conscience, but ffubbornnefle : And therefore that they mayconvince the world that when they doe (land to anything that is againff them, that it is not out of aubbornneffe , but meerely out of Confcience,and it concernes all the profalors ßf Relgion , in what ever they are able to yeeld to others, tò be willing even to be fervants to them, and to boas plyable ro than to do"any good unto them And thereby to Convince diem, that if there be any thing wherein they doe not yeeld, it is bécáúfe they Cannot, not becaufe they Will nor. But