Men before thcy are aovar may ma.V others fiiffer for righteou inefc. 543 But to come to .that which is the main. PerfecuteJ for righteoufnefle.- You will fay, how can i hat be, is there any that will oppofe men for doing well ? Surely there's fomewhac elf, in ic. Swe- tonitu reports of Tiber., that having a mind to have a virgin to be wrangled, fome come to him and tell him , That it is againfi the Law of the [Zomatu that any lliould be fo u- fed ; upon that he gave order to have the virgin D.efioured, and then file might be put to death ; fo doe the mein of the world doe with Inch as are righteous; and righteous cautes ; It's true, they having fomething in their Con ciences that tells them they mutt nor oppofe that that is righteous, therefore they will defloure it, and labour to put n ifs -apps henfionsup- on it, that then they may oppofe it-with the More. freedome. But certainly men may perfecute. Righteeufneffe that are not away of it themselves : Many men that if they were ce -- tainly and fully Convinc't that this is righteoufnefhe, and a. righteous Caute, they.sóuld nor oppofe ir,.yet they may op- pole Righteoufne le : There may be that colour put upon things whereby they may think them_felves free, and yet God fees their hearts are againfl righreoufnefle. As firfl, Certainly all men in the wo 1 natty ally have their hearts oppofite to -Ri hceou!'neffe,there ore where there is not a new nature there is an oppofition toRighreoufneile : Now moil men are Rill naturall, therefore they do o,Tpo' se. righte- oufneffe If we fhould come into the vileal place that is, and (peak with every man, that do you hire righteoi ia:etie ? C by they would defie you:I believe there is not one ìn.all f his from one end to the other, but if you iske them the CZ? on , Do you hate Righteoufne%? they would ahho you yet this is a certain truth, that.all men naturally are enemies to Righteoufneffe,aherefore Purely there are fo e that are a gainfl righeoufneffe, that know not of it rh'inf lees. Secondly , Men of great parr` that a :.: bl ro underfîand things very Farr, yet they -may be ö,'p ours- o lli'hr.eoufn e: Say r oore people, ghat ? , Lzime.c1 know whether it' be good or no, and if they knew that it were