Whether ever any godly man perfecuted another. wry loving fweet nature otherwife, yet when he comes to op- pofe righteoufnef e, he may be very fierce and furious ; Dditis generic Its fail of 7item Vefpatia i that he was the very delight of hu- mane kind, and yet a very great enemy to the people of . God. it but he was of another Religion, though he were of a fweet nature. Fifthly, But further then, A man or woman may be very de- vout in the profeffion ofReligion, and yet a great perfecutor ; and fomtimes the greaten; Thofe that are very devout in their own way,if any go another way that they do not apprehend,they will perfecute them molt, and for that you have a Text in the r 3 of ads 50. Paul he preached, and was much oppofed,but by whom ? How did the people come to oppofe Paull ? But the.Jewes faith the text, _A-red up devout and honourable women, and the chief men of the City, and railed perfecution againft Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their Coafts. I but can you tell us any one example, that ever any god-. ly manperfecuted another ? Iconfeífe if you ask me the queflion whether ever you find. any godly man, that had true godlinef e, to perfecute others that were godly,you put me to a great Rand ; I had need fearch from Generation to the Revelation to find you an example ; And I think.I can tell you of one, that in one pallionate as did it, and that was king A fa, when the Prophet came to him and told him the mind of God, his heart was inraged againft him, and flrucichim, and put him into prifon -: I confefe I remember not any other example but him, & the Scripture fpeaks of him to be a godly man Therefo:e this is more dangerous for thole that do perfecute. Secondly, It's more grievous to thofe that are perfecuted becaufe their perfecution is fuch as hach no former example : Indeed when I come to the next verfe,' I (hall thew you how ithath been the condition of the people of God to be perfecu- ¿cd,But I cannot (hew you that it ever was their lotto be per fecuted by godly men ; Therefore if ever we fall into an age wherein godly men fufferby godly men,it is a time unparalel'd, Aaaa that