Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

548 Difcoveryes of men that oppèfe firength.andlufly, and have all about you, and are in. a Tavern and heate with wine, then you (corn, deride, and fpeak.againli fiuh and Such men, but fuppofe the.hand of Cod be upon you, fupt;ofe you upon your fick beds,and you apprehend; your felvs going the way of all flefh, to receive the fenrence of your e- ternal! doom from God, are you of the fame mind now ? Are thefe,men as hateful! to you now as they were at fuch a time, . when you were in a Tavern and ípake fo againfi them ?:. Why` furely if you did (peak again(} thofe men becaufe they were naught, then the nearer you. are to. anfwer before God, the more would your hearts be againft thofe men, or if any _way were oppofed .becaufe it was naught, then the neerer you come to be judged before God, the more your hearts would be againa that way : But now. the finde it otherwife, that many men that would not be accounted perfecutors of righ- teouinefie, yet that that they fpeak molt agaúift, they doe it more when their lofts are heat by wine, by meate and drinke, or -otherwife, in the ruffe of their pride, in their flrength.and health ; They do it more then, then they would doe it upon their Fick -beds, when- they are going before the Lord to 'anfrver. And that's ' another difcovery that what ever the. pretence was, yet it's righteoufneffe , that they perfecuted: Thirdly, When -men oppofe others under pretence of faults that they were more guilty of a great deale before they made the profeilionof Religion and righteoufneife then nowthey are, and yet they could bare with them then,but now- they cannot. As for inflance, fuppofe one fhould come to make profeffl- on of Religion more then before Now your hearts are a- gainfh.them but how ? you will make force pretence that they did some fault, and therefore you oppofe them : But I appeale to your confciences, were they not more faulty before they made ft ch profe(lionof Religion, and yet you could bare with their fault s then. Your confciences tell you that your feri'ants,your children, your Wife, tva:- more difobedient then; &y et you could ;better hare with their faults before their pro feffîon: