Difi-overyes of area that oppofe Religion. feffion then after, therefore Purely it's righteoufnefs that is op- pofed, rather then any thing elfe. Fourthly, A fourth discovery is this, When men are partial! in rheir oppofition, they can Rand to it, and will plead for, and not be fo fevear againR others though guilty of as great and greater faults; Surely then it's righteoufneffe that is oppofed, rather then thofe faults that are pretended. Fifthly, When men hearing any faults in thofe that profeffe .Religion are glad of them, they are glad that they have that pretence,yea they do rejoyce in it that they have that pretence againít them,O this is an argument that it is righteouinefs that is hated : for certainly if it were evil! that' were hated, then if a man that did profeile religion flaould prove to be fcand lows, and commit an evil!, your hearts would mourn for this, O Religion bath got a wound. But now when you are glad when you hear of fuch an.evill that fuch a one bath fallen into chat profeffes religion more then others, your hearts can be merry, this is a ligne that it's righteoufneffe that your hearts are again({ But if you fay you are troubled in the difcovery of fuch a man, that bath difcovered himfelf at fuck a time to be falfe, if that were fo, and your fpirits right, then you would mourn and lament for the fin that is committed. Sixthly, yea further, It would be your care to make rap the breach that is made in the profeffion of Religion : O fuch a nun bath difcovered a falfeneife, he was very forward in his profeflìon, but he grew fcandalous, and fo difcovered himfelfe faliè, O what a blow hath religion got by him, therefore let me labour to make it up, by being the more godly my felf ;' But this is not to in men, and therefore its righteoufneffe that your hearts are molt againftprather then any. elfe, Seventhly, And then when men in their <oppofition of that that is good, Thall find that their greateft (trength it is from the wort} fort of men, that theRout and theRefute of people they will joyne with them And were it nor . fir their hopes of having ;a rout of people to joyne with them, they would never venter in fuch a way, Surely in this you had need looke to your (elves, for its righteoufneffe-you, 40 oppofe. Eighth- 549