Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

5 so Exhortation to men to take heed what they oppefe. Eighthiy, When mens Confciences may tell them , that they have bie ends in their oppofition : That if they will examine things according to confcience, their confcience will tell them, that their ends are bie-ends that they doe oppofe upon. They fay they . oppofe fuch and fuch things, and will not be knowne that they oppofe righteoufnef e, but what are your ends ? is it not from forne Pelf refpe& ? Do not You fee the times goe fuch a way, and it's that moves you, and you fhall get into countenance by this meaner; Cer- tainly if falfe ends do a& us, it is not righteoufi}e{fe that is a &ed by us, 71)e wrath of man will not accompli)'h the rigghte- onfneffe of God ; Neither will mens corruptions, nor the 'falle ends of men provide for themfelves, it will not accompliihs the righteoufneffe of God. There are divers other evidences that might be given -- But I would faine have concluded in a word of Exhortation to men, to take heed what they do ; many things I had thought to have fpoken in a way of Exhortation, that men íhould beware of what they oppofe : Examine things through- ly now ; For my Brethren,thefe are the times wherein Chriß is oppofing tìtitichrta more then before ; And therefore though 'Chrifl was patient towards perfecutors in former times, they mull not exile& that he will be fo patient now, for it is a time of pulling down the man of fn: Now Chrif} is more flirting then he was, we fee Cnrifl more a &ing and flirting, Chrifl is rifen, and if Chrifl he rifen, his enemies ,'muff he fcattered ; And therefore though in the times that were before,inuch was winckt at, but nowChrif }is rifen, and is flirting, and therefore take heed of oppofmng of that that is good : -- And fur- ther in there times there's more light and difcoveries then be- fore ; Asid there are more profefìors of Religion now then heretofore, and therefore there s more danger of oppofing of th'e `aims now then before ; --- And betides, we are about difcovering and fearching out of the way of God we did not know before; and what now,in a time of fearching after thine, and when we cometo profeffe many things that heretofore we did notprofeife but were againf}, why can we rife to the cep prefently