Exhortation to men to take heed rehat,they oppofe. 551 prefently fo as to fall oppofang. thofe that doe not the fame tugs that we do ? And further,Iet' confider that Erg- /or bath been guilty of this fin of perfecution of righteouffies, truly I think I may fiy, more then any other .kingdome : And we fhould take heed to our felvs of this, becaufe we have been under perfecution our felves, Yea we our (elves have made much profetlìon of late more then before, and we have ingaged our felves to the way; and when we have joyned our felves with the Saints and ingaged our felves with them, we had need take heed of perfecution. -- And then !Ally, In thefe times it's a vain- thing tp perfecute, why, becaufe there is fo much light difcoveredband people ( many of them) have not only made profeffton, biic have a work of God upon them, that itis.not perfecution will prevaile now, In Rev.14. t 3. Bleffed are they that dye in the Lord, or they that dye for the'Lord ; Write it, from hence forth,faith the Spirt ; marke it,. Why flefh and blood would not reafon thus, that thofe that fuffer for the Lord are blef ed, but bleffed are they that dye in, . or for the Lord, Tea faith the Spirit : The Judgment of the. Spirit, is different from the judgment of the World. SERMON