Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

ss2 AdavAtatibant.,*****).toutnito.wr>egtgexbitahttaid, '4.t I,4 -At . , $ .: wF ,fir+rTi r vatvavicinor wv.P41,4,44,4Aviimitwirvive S E R M O N XXXI V. egeort OR Principles for fuf'ering. M A T H. 5. 'In. Blelfed are they which are perfecuted for Righteou fne f fe fake, for theirs is the king_ dome of heaven. íhá11 not Tooke backe to any thing, there are thefe_ things further in the Text. Fir(I,- I flail indeavour to give unto you force prin- ciples for fuffering, that is,fome co'nfiderati- ons that may help the people of God to be willing & able to fuller for righteoufnes fake. Secondly,We (hall open the bleífednef e of this,what a bleffed thing it is to fuller for tighteoufiieffe fake. Thirdly conclude the verfe with force Application. For the Firft then, to lay down force fuffering principles, £hat is;f ©me coifiderations whereby the people of God maybe fitted,and prepared for fufferings ; for we know not what God may call us to; & there's none but in force degree or other,are force time or other call'd to fufferings,(Imean.that are godly) Wherefore the-firlf'prin4ple to finable chriflians to fuller for righreoufneis is,that we f/4kuld look on our felvs as fent in- to the world for this end,efpeciallyì to.bta, witnes to the truth. that's the firft principle;as a great end for which we were born, for wch we live,that we might be witneffes of God to his truth Surely