556 Principles for fuf f eying. this, when I do ('and here to loofe for Chritl, that might haver loll for my fin,I that am in danger of my life that I may teflifie my refpea to Chrifi, I might have been in danger by my fin : O what a blefled thing is this rather then the other: this confi- deration bath a mighty deal of power in it.. Fifthly,That Cod may make me fuffer in fpite of my heart,, if I find'a reluòtanfie in me to come off to fuffer for Chritl, I may be forced in Trite of my heart to do it, and what comfort shall I then have.in it ? How much better is it to fuffer freely and willingly for Jefus Chritl, then to be forced to.fuffer, and . then there will be no exercife of grace in ir, but I fhall be meerly pa.`lìve ; As I remember the Book of Martyrs bath fuch a Flory of one that was a' Smith, That was a means in King Edwards time to convert and turn another to the truth, now in _Queen Maryes time the perfecutors did feize upon him that was converted by him, and he was call into pri fon, and flood out in his fulferings in witnefng for Chrifl,now this man fends for him that was the means of his converfon and wonder'd how he efcapt all the while, for you ( faith he) was the man that told me theft things, new this man fends word bacl¿,to him again,I confejJethofe things that I told you. are truth, but I cannot burn faith he, but yet this man though he would not burn for Chrrft,afterwards his houfe was fet on fire byfume accident, and he was burnt' in his own houfe and fo Chriff made him burn whether he would or no : Now how much better had it been for this man to have burnt for Chri(l ? If you will not fuffer any lofle of your eflate for Chritl, Chritl can make you fuffer, he can fet fire on your bodes, and take away your Mates by fome providence or other,Chrifl can lay afflictions upon you, and difeafes upon you,' you are loath to venter your felves for him, he can lay thole things upon you that will be greater evils then thole things that he call'd you to furfer for his name fake : Confider, of this, that God can make you fuffer whether you will or no ; O -'tis better therefore freely and readily to give up our felves to Suffer for Jefus Chritl. Sixthly, No creature bath any good in it anyfurther then it is injoyed in God, and improved for God,that's a fath fuller- in;