---_ 5'5$ Principles for filtering. determinedbèfore hand and ordered by God; Therefore you knowwhat Chril?t faith ; Shall I not drtnk;thc cup that my. Fa- ther bath given me todrink,? He fpake it of his fufferings, and fo fhould every one that is called to fuffer for the truth reafon thus with themfelves, and beat down any rifings of their fpirits againft thofe fufferings f Shall I net drtnk the cup i that my Fa- eher bath given me to drink.? It's a bitter cup indeed that my friends fhould hate me, that I fhould prejudice my eftate, and prejudice my liberty, and all thefe outward comforts, and live a mtferable life for out wards in this world,. I but fhall I not -drink the cup that my Father bath given ,me eb drink? That's the feaventh principle. Eightly, That when ever we fuffer for Chtift, Chriff fuffers with us, we are partakers of his fufferings, and he ispartakers of our fufferings, in the 6 3. Ifa: 9. In all their +tlions he zvas afliifted : Why it's a great fupport and comfort to one to think, why my friends do fimpathife with me,and are affec- ted with my fufferings ; Know now that Jefus: Chtift doth fimpathifewith you in your fufferings, yea he fuffers as much as you, I and more then you in all your fufferings,and therefore it's faid of Mofes, That he accounted the reproach ofChriflgrea- ter riches :: The confideration now that they are Chrifls fuf- ferings, is Many wayes ufefull to help the foul in fufferings;for not only that Chtift will pitty them, and compafíionate them, but certainly Chrift fufferingwith them, he will help them to bare them too ? Why ? becaufe they are his own fufferings? and therefore he will order thy fufferings , and moderate them; thou :canft:never fuller in the caulè of Chrift, but Chrift doth bare the weightieft end of the ftaffe, this now is a mighty help againft fufferings, and fupport in it. Ninthly, There is more evil in fufferings before they come in imagination, then when they are come:How many that have been imprifoned for a good caufe , have profeft they never thought imprifonment was fo eafie to bare as now they find it, and fo Joffe of eftate, and loffe of friends, they are in- deed terrible before they come , but ufually when they are upon the Saints they find them not fo bard and grievous u; them. Tenthly,