Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

;56o 'Principles for fuffering. _ whofoever Chrift gives a fuffering heart too , let fuch a one know he bath received a great gift from Jefus Chrift. You think it an excellency to be able to pray, to be able to fuffer is more. I remember we read of one of the Martyrs, that when he was call'd to Argue for the truth,- I cannot difpute for ir, faith he, but I can die for it, that's more : It's more to be able to Puffer for the truth, then to preach of ir, yea to pracliìe the truth. It's a bleffed thing., Now the Scripture is very plenti- ful! in this Argument, to thew the bleffedneffe that there is in fuffering : In the 5 .4i s 41. They went away rejoycing, that they, were accounted worthy to fuffer fhame for his name Read the 6 Luk 22, 2 3. Chrilt would have his Disciples rejoyce and leap for Joy when they came to fuffer any thing Read the 2d Cor: .I i. 23. When the Apoflle would Glory in that that he accounted hisexcellency, obferve what it is he glories,in ; Saith he, are they Miniflerr of Chrißß ? I f fieakas a fool, I ans __more': He falls a Glorying becaufe he was disparaged by the falfe teachers, more, how ? In labours more abundant; in flripes above meafure ; in pri foits more frequent ; in deaths oft ; Of the (ewes five times received d fortie tripes fave one ; Thrice was 'beaten with rods ;once was I ffoned; ì price I fuffered fhipwrack a night and a day I have been in the deep ; In 7ourneyang often in perils of waters, in perils o f robbers, in perils by mine own Cotni trey-men, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the City , in pen'ls in the wildernefe, an perils in the fea, in perils among falfe Bre thren,&c. Now the fcope of the Apoftle was to (hew his Glo-, ry, he did not Glory in this fo mud) , I have parts more then they, or I have learning more then they, or I have honours, no , but I fuffer more for Chrifi then they ; O it's a bleiíed thing to fuffer for Chrift ; a,nd fo in the i 2 Chap: io v.7here fore I take pleafure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necef tier, to perfecutions,in diireffes_forChrifs fake: I take pleafure, it is a delighrfull, a pleafant thing ro me, O I account it a molt bleffed thing in fuffering any thing for Chrifts fake :-Saith Ter- tullian in the primitive times, Tour Cruelty is our Glory, our bleffedneffe, our happinefhe ; I defire to know nothing, faith Paul, but Ong ; I there's a.great deale of excellency in him; bat