Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

56z What blefednefe there is in fuffering for ri htëoufnefe., faith, he was a great deale more Glorious, then when he was lift up to the highelt heavens : when he was can into prifon there he was more Glorious, then when he heard thofe words: that were unutterable, and fuch kind of expreffions he bath further about him. I remember in the primitive times, read- ing of Turtullian when he was to fpeak to thofe that fuffer'i for Chrilt ; 'Tis not for me, I am not great enough to be able to fpeak to fuch Glorious creatures as you are ; yea and they were bound, in honour to the Martyrs, to go creeping to their very chains, and kiffe them in honour to them. When Chrrffome was fp eaking of Yabeless, a Martyr, he fpeaks, If it be lawfall to call him a man; fo farre they did honour thofe that futfered for Chrift ; O it's honourable before men and Angelis, before God himielfe, before the Churches, before all the Saints ; SaithBafrl (peaking in his Oration. about the for - ty'Mar-tyrs, Blefjed are thofe Tongues that (hall confeffeChrtfrz They do as it were fat-retitle the Aire, while they are fpeaking in the Confeffon of Chrift in their fuiferings. Thirdly , It's a bleffed thing to fuller for Righteoufneffe fake, for it's the higheft and greaten Improvement of mens abilities, Graces, Comforts, wharfoever they In;oy; It's the higheti Improvement that can be for them to fuffer : Never are mens Graces fo improv'd as in times of fuffering : The peo- ple of God were never fo eminent in Grace, as in perfecut:ng times. The Church of God fineh fweeter whettthey were as jt were Rofes can into the Still, and had the fire of perfecuti- on put under them, then when they grew flourishing upon -.he falke : As the Spices have a more fragrant finell when they are beaten to powder, then when they are whole ; And fo the Saints Graces are more fragrant in the noftrills of God , and do grow up more in the time of fuffering then ever ; O what breathings of holineffe was there, and heaven upon earth, that the Saints in;oy'd in the times of fuffering, through the emi- nency o Grace in the Primitive times. -- Certainly the Church was never more fruitful then when it was warred with her own blood,then brought forth more fruit to Jefus Chin. It's the higheú Improvement of the Graces of tb Spirit est God,