1 blejl'eanefe there is in fa jfering for righteosineffe. God, and of all your Comforts, then you improve them to purpofe, when as you make ufe of them to futfer for Chrift. Fourthly , It's blefled , for thofe that fuffer are under ma- ny bleiled prorrtifes : Why If yok fseer with him , you ffrail be Glorified with him ; Read the 2d 7 nn :2, i 2, and in the S Rom: there you have divers excellent expreflions, wherein there .are moff excellent promifes to fuch as fuffer in the Caufe of Chrift ; Math: 19. 29, Every one that bath forfaken houfes, or Brethren, or filters, or Father, or mother, or wife, or children, or Lands, for my Names fake, fhall receive an hundred fold, and (hall inherit everlafling life, In the i fames 12. Bleff ed it the man that endureth Temptation, for when he is tryed, he (hall re- ceive the Crowne of life, which the Lord path prom' s fed to' them that love him. It were eafie to fpend houres,in the recolle&ing the,many.ppromifes that are made CO firffering Chriflians, and there are blefled Comforts which they have that fuller ; one fames Bainan, a Martyr; when they kindled the fire at his feete,Methinks they firm Ropes at my feete, faith he. And Mr. Sanders profefl that he found abundance of Joy slowing to his kart from all the parts of his body, that he never felt before in all his life. But above all, for the Joy that there is in fuf- fering, that place in the i Pet: 4. 14. and which is one of the excellent prorates, faith he, Rejoyce in as much as ye are partakers of Chrifis fufferinns, that when his Glory _hall be re- 'waled, ye may be Glad all, with exçeedinn Toy. But what for the prefent ? Why If ye be reproached for the Name of Chrifü, happy are ye, for the Spam of Glory, and of God refieth upon you; that is, the Glorious Spirit ofGod,all the Saints have the Spi- rit of God, but every believer hath not the Spirit of God, and of Glory, that is, bath-not the Spirit of God in that Glorious manner, as thofe, that futfer for Chrift have ; And Rill upon them, that is, to Comfort 3 ou, to quicken you, to do good un- to you, to inlighten you, The Stint of God and of glory; would you have a Glorious Spirit refi and abide upon you, not to have fome 6aCes of it ;Sometimes the Saints have forne flashes of the holy Ghof},and they apprehend Glory,0 but when they corne to fuffer, they have the Spirit of God and ofGlory refi- ing upon: them. C c c c 2 Fifthly,