s6,q.' What 61effedneffe there is, in fuffering for rtghteonfnefj'e. Fifthly, And then, That you have in the Text ; For theirs is the kingdome of heaven. That is, Fitti, The blef ing of the Gofpel, that's upon them here, and the kingdome of Glory in heaven is theirs. This kingdome hath thee three things mit. ------ Firfl, The bleffing of the Gofpel is theirs, in an eminent, fpeciall manner; For that's call'd the kingdome of heaven : But that I opened at large unto you in the firil Beatitude ;- B1e(fell are the poor in fpirit, for theirs is the kjn rdome of heaven Now as that's promised to the poore in fj?iríe; to here to thole that fuerr perfectstion ; They ihall have the Righteonfneffe of . that kingdome,?hek gdome.ofGo_d,isRighteo fnefeandPeace and Joy; all the good and bletlmg of the Gofpel, in all the Ad miniflrations of Jefus Chrifl in the Gofpel, they (hall be par- takers of it in a moll eminent manner ; that's the fiat. But then, Secondly, the kingdome of heaven; that is, what part of the kingdome that Chrifl !hall -have before the time . when he gives up the kingdome to the Father, they (hall be fure to have an eminent !hare in that blefling : Now to me there is nothing more cleere in Scripture then this, That there is a kingdome that Chrifl is ro have before his giving up ,the kingdome to the Father ; For fo !peaking of the lall day, i Cor: 5. It's faid, that then Chri fi'hallgiveup the k'ngdome;onto the Father, and God (hall be all in all. But now the Scripture fpeaks of the kingdome of Chrifl,as it (hall be here, as a promife unto the Saints before that of the kingdome of the Father. Rev: 3. 2 i:. To..him that overeometh, that is, notwith(landing all his fufferings, will Igrane to fat with me in my Throne, even as I all; overcame, and am fee downe with my Father in his Throne. Ob-- ferve this Scripture, This plainly thews that at that time there was a Throne of Chrifl, that the Saints (hould lit on after their overcomi b. Now,for the Throne of Chrifl, as he rules all the world, and in his Church by the Scepter of his Word and Spi- rit, certainly that Throne of Ch; ill they were in at that time when Chrifi.fpake to them : But now he fpeaks of another Time, as a Reward of all their fufferings and overcoming, in din time they iLould fit upon his Throne, as he fits upon his Fa