Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

What:bleffedneffe there s in fuffering for r'ighteoufneffe Fathers Throne ; You will fay, that {hall be in heaven Nay, there it's plaine, that he'gtves up the kingdóme to the Father, and "God (hall be alt in all. But now there is another kingdome of Chrift that is promifed , to thofe that overcomes, and that fuch as fuf£er (hall have a fpeciall (hare and part in, as in the Revelation'; For that bóok -is written for the Incou ragement of the. Saints in fufferings in the Antichriftiantimes. There you (hall find that Çhriff promifes that they fhould. reigne on the Earth: And if you read the aó Chap: where' Chrift fpeaks of a kingdom that he (hall have for a longtime and efpecially it's faid in the 4 v.of thofe that were beheaded, and that did not worship the teal, nor receive his mark upon their fore -heads, nor hands, ether openly or fecretly, they were the people that Chrift efpecially aim 'd at when he came . to his kingdome. And in the Gofpel by St Luke, Chrift incou rageing his Difciples in the way of futfering for him, faith he, re are they which have .continued with me in my Temptation What then ? drat] appoint unto you a kingdome , as my Father bath appointed unto me. And that fore-named place in the 2 Per: 4. i 3. Rejoyce in as much as you are partakers of Chrifls fufferings, that when his Glory fhall be revealed, ye maybe Glad4 alto with exceeding oy. Now yotfare forrowfull, contemned, defpifed, and troden as dirt under feete,but when Chrift ihalt- appeare in his Glory to take the kingdome to himfelfe;For it's Apparent that there is atime that Chrift (hall reigne otherwife. then now he doth, for faith the voyce from heaven in-the f Revel: ,The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his ('hrift, and he fhall reigne for evermore.: So that I fay,. the Scripture is cleere, that there is a time for Jefus Chrift to have' honour and Glory in the kingdoms "of this world.: And thefemay well be call'd the kingdome of heaven,., though it, be here in the world. As the Miniftery of the Go-, fpel is call'd the kingdome, fothe Rule ofChrift in this extra- ordinary way ; and when Chrif (hall come to -take this king dome to himfelfe, O how will he owne thofe that have futfer -- ed for him ; That (hall be his fir( work, to owne and 'honour them in the eyes ofall the world ;.you fuffereahard things in- deed: 565