Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

566 what bleffednefe there, is in Hiring fer righteeufneffe. deed in the kingdome of the world, I but there is another kingdome in which you Thall be honoured. In the 7 Revel: 14. And Ilaid unto him , Sir thou kmweit, And he faid mete me, 7 he fe are they which came out of great tribulation, and have wafhed their robe5,and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Theft are rhey,there (hall be a Glorying in them. As I remem- ber I have read of Carus th . Emperour, that hearing Agrippa fuffered in his Caufe before he came to be Emperour, the firfi thing that he did it was this, he:call'd for. the chaise that,/- grippa was chain'd withall for fpeaking in his behalfe, and.gave him a chaise of Gold that weighed jai as much as that.chaine did ; and fo certainly, the firfi werk that Chrifi will doe when he comes to take his kingdome, (hall be to call for all that bath fuffered for his fake, and to proportion out a proportio- nable meafure Of Glory : Saith 7 urtullian, The greaten re- ward followes thegreatefi contefi,lirife, and futfering for Je- fus Chriff, Therefore I remember 1 have read of Gordius a Martyr, that when he was to fuífer, he told his perfecutors that if they did but abate any fuffering that they intended to- wards him, he fhould be a loofer ; when therefore the gene- ral! Judgement (hall be , O the Inibracements then of Jeffs Chrifi, Imbraceing thofe that have fuffered for him, and then he (hall fet them with-white Robes upon his Throne, and they (hall be Judges of their Judges.; They fnall Judge the twelve Tribes of Ifrael ; not onely the Apoftles, but all the Saints ; they now hand before the wicked, and are Judged by them ; they fhall fit with Chrifi and Judge the wicked and ungodly at that day, and fo afcend with Chrifi in Glory, and there In- joy the fruit of their futferings. Bleffed are thofe that die in the Lord. It may be as well read, Bleffed are thole that die for the Lord, for they reft from their labours, and their work] follow them. Now this the Apofiles and others, they faw cleerely ; . Cor: 4. latter end, For ear light of fdiCtion, which it but for a moment,wcrlteth for us a far more exceeding and eternall weight of Glory. It's one of the moil elegant expreifions,that ever was in any Author in the world. The exceeding, excetlive, eter- nail weight of Glory.. And but our light of f illions that are but for -a moment. But