Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

what blefícdneff a there is in faf f Bring for righeeonfneff e. But you will fay, Is not this a Legal! way to be Incouraaed eyther in Duty, or fuffering in hope of heaven. Truly thofe men that will think they have riffen to fuch a height of grace, as they can do all out of meere love to God, fo as not to have any refpe& to their own good in heaven,they have attain'd to that Grace, that for my part I do nor know the Scripture holds forth unto them : But the Scripture would have fuch as are the mo`I eminent in Grace, yet to Incourage themfelves in hope of heaven, in what they doe, or Suffer for Jefus Chrift. --- You will fay, it's true, we' may lawfully doe it , lair were it not better that we. might doe it without fuch an Irncourge- ment. -- Truly no For I find. Chrift himfelfe was Incouraged i,tr this , and there was no Grace better then Chrifts. lieb: T. 3. fee what's faid corncerning Chrift himfelfe ; he is fet before you as a patterne that you fhould make ufe of ; For Confider him that indured filch Contradittlions of f4ners againf himfelfe, lee ye be wearied and faint in your minds. But now in the verfe before,, faith he, Look.tng into refus, the Author and finis flier of our Faith, who for the joy that was fet before him ; mark it, endured the Croft, deli); ling the fhame, and is fet downe at the right hand of the 7 prone of`God. Chrift indured the. croffe, and defpifed the ihame what did helpe Ch! ift to doe this, and Iiicourage him ; why the Soy that was fet before him : Chrift le had the Joy of fitting at the right hand of the Father .fet before-him.; And 'tis made one fruit of the fufferings Ç Chrift, that he is fet at the right hand of the Throne of God : And Chrift in the 'vial of his fufferings faw this ; I fháll af- ter my Induring Tome fufferings here, within awhile fit at the right hand of the Throne of my Father; and it's this that helpes me to carry me through my fufferings : -- And now if Chrift will make ufe of this, furely it's a vanity, O pride of i nens í'pirits, to think that they have no -need of it. But now having opened thefe things, I had thought to have ipoken but very little in way of application to you Ofiely 967