Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

568 Whet 6leffedneffe there is in fuffering far righteoufefe Onely you may fee by what hath been Paid, how the hum- bling block of the croffe is taken away, O lay up thee things that are prefented to you, that are fpoken to you this clay, in the name of Chrih, you know not what ufe you may have of them, lay them up in your hearts againh the time of,fuffer- ing, that you may have them ready. As men that are fubje& to fainting fists, they have their .Ara-vii-4-bottles, and fuch kind of things to helpe them againf} their fainting fitts ; O fo lay up thefe truths,that may helpe you again} all fainting fitts, that it may be indifferent to you whether you injoy times of profperity, or times of perfecution , that let the world goe which way it will, a Chriftian fhould goe on in his way, and make all his care to doe his dulie, and let become of him what will : The work that can come is this, for to be perfecuted, but that will add to your Glory, and helpe to further your fu- ture happineffe; Blef ed are they which are perfecrued for Sigh, . teoufnef fe fake. 4, SER?viON