Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

569 ,siict es..sxLste lria#ttcs3safisTc¢SU43cz4ea8o?t.a!idC4C P R $fg fit rk í` s a` á'Qb` sf>e`fi `á r+.P+HXa¡âs dCiT^ iN SERMON XXXV. OR Some Heads from what bath been faid about the bleffedncfs of perfecnttox. M A T H. 5. to. 13leffecl are they which are perfecuted for Righteou fne f fe fake, for theirs is the king. dome of heaven. E have already preached you know divers Ser.. mons about the'point of perfecution, (hewing you what it is, and when men are perfecuted for righteouineffe fake: And how men may be guilty of perfecuting others for righteouf- nefs fake, and not think of it themfelves : ---- The Taft day we opened the bleffednefs that there is in fuffering perfecuti- co, but I fhall not look back but fhall proceed,only for this r o. V to give you a few heads by way of Application from what hath been faid about the bleffednefs of fuflering perfecution, it's a bleffed thing to fuller perfecution, not only that blei;ed nefs and perfecution may confia together, that a man may be a bleffed man though hebe a perfecuted man: No, but a mm is a bleffed man becaufe he is a perfecuted man, the world can hardly tell how bleffednefs and perfecution can both confia ; but of all the Saints in the world thofe Saints that are molt perfecuted are moil bleffed, this is a great paradox to the D d d d world,