Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

572 Some Head's from what bath been fail, befotted fool by thy lulls that.wilt fdrfake Chrill and his caufe for fear of perfecution, when as Chrill himfelfe faith, 7 hofe, arc bleffed that (offer, perfecution, Fourthly, Chrillians ilrould labour to eflablilh themfelve; iai this truth for the preparing of themfelves for perfecution,, look up to C hrill and fee- him pronouncing this bleflèdnefs Confider of the feverall particulars that have been fpoken, but efpecially the glory of the kingdome of Heaven, that will i rengthen thee againft perfecutron, for the very fight of that glory, if thou canll make it real to thy foul, it will put a mag- Ranimiry upon thy Spirit, it will raife thy fpirit above the world, it will make thee look upon all things as under thee, diipifing and contemning them; As it's faid of Chrill when he look't to the joy that was fet before him, he difp ifed the. shame, he lookt upon it as a contemptible thing : There's no- thing will make the heart of á man truly magnanimous; fo as the real fight of the glorious things in the kingdom of .leaven, . this will darken all the glory of the world in thine eyes ; If once thou hall had but a glimmering of the glory of the thing; in the Kingdom of Heaven, and lookt upon them as certaine and real, how eafie would it be for thee to futfer any thing in the world, that Scripture in the i o Heb. 3 a 3 3, 34 is re markable for this: But call to remembrance the former dales, in which after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of a f f iCtions, party whilefít ye were made a gazing- ftocIZe, bath by re- proaches and afflitiions,and partlywhile' ye became companions of them that were fo ufed,For ye had compafon of me in my bonds; and took joyfully the fpoyling of your goads, knowing in your(elves that ye have in Heaven a. better andan induring fubfl'ance :How came they to be llrengthned to take joyfully the fpoyding of their goods Mark the Text, knowing in your felves that ye have in Heaven a better and induring fubfiance : Obferve the phrafe; he doth not fay, that you have heard fay fo,but knowing tin your felve, there was a revelation of it by the Holy Ghofl unto their fouis to affine them of it,. to fettle their hearts in ir,. X no,vi r ¡n themfelves that they had in Heaven a better an in- dttr.'ng fu6fançe t I coufeffe afrer allthat I have preached to 3