Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

. . '1;r4 Some Heads from what; bath been faid out any particular one to fuffer more then other, you (hall have all the other that were wont to be inward and intimate wirh them, with-draw from them, and will fcarce own them ; o this is a wicked and curled thing Why wilt thou not own them now ?- What doff thou look upon them in a worfe con- dition then they were why now they are made bleffed, As I remember Ignatius laid when he felt his bones cra(hing by the mouths of the wild Beafts, Now I begin to be a Chriftian. So he begin to be a Chriffian; and it's a fign that God looks upon him as more eminent then thou, becaufe he is call'd to fuller, O therefore be not thou afhamed of thofe that Chria glories in, and faith that they are bleffed. It's very remarkable that we read of ;fohn, in the t Reve. y: v :fohn fpeaks of himfelf there, and mark what he glories in : I john who alfo am your Brother And Companion tn' ribulation,a nd in the!& gdom and patience of yefus Chrrft, was in the Ifle that is called Parmos; for the word of God, and for theteftimony of 7efts' Chrift: fohn doth glory in this,that he is the companion of the Saints in tribulation; j ohti cloth not glory in this, why I John that aman Apofile, that am the beloved Difciple ofChriff, I John that lay in the bofom of Chriff;no,but' I John that am your companion in Tribulation, and John that was ba_nif hed to the lfle of Patmos for the word of God,and the Tefhtmonÿ of Chrift;lohn gloryes in this to be the companion of others that fuffersin the caufe of Chrit+, and fo that forenamed Scripture in the to, lieb, faith he, Partly whilft ye became companions of them that were fo ufed: And this is a ufefull Note that we are to lay up againfi fuch a day that the Saints fuffer, be willing to own them,and be not at all aihamed of them : That one Scripture I !hall name about glory in futfering : Chrift himfelf he gloryes in futfering, and when he would (hew forth his glory to Paul (in the 9 Afts) ro bring him down, mark what he faith there : I heard a voice laying, Saul,Saal,why perfecuteft thou me ? and the Lord fad, I am _le- fts.' whom thou perfecuteft: it is hard for thee to k ck aaainft the pricks :' Thou kickef+ againft the pricks in perfecuting me ; Thou perfecuteft me, it snot my Saints but my felfe that that! perfecuteft : I own theta they are mine : And X remember t here's