about the bleffednefs of perfecntion. 575 there's another Scripture that faith, when Jefus fpeaks of him - felfe, he faith 3. efus of Nazareth : Now Nazareth was the -place chat he was fcorn'd in, and he was fcorn'd becaufe he came out of Nazareth, and yet Chrift glories in that Title, yefru of Nazareth. Seaventhly, and Laftly, If thole be bletied that fuffer per- fecution, then it becomes the Saints in all their fufferings to furferwith náeeknefs to fuffer with gentlenefs, not to manifeft any paffion in Their fufferings, why ? becaufe you are blefl'ed in fu$ering. Let thofe have their hearts inraged that are cur- led in their fufferings, but for thole that are bletfed in their fufferings, let their hearts be quieted and ftiil, and be not troubled at your fufferings ; Carry your felyes fo as to be more quiet then your perfecutors : I . Remember I have read of So- crates fpeaking to men how they íhould carry themfelves meekly toward thofe that they fuffer bÿ;faith he,lf yon meet one in the Street that hath a body more di feafed then yours, will you be angry with them becaufe of their bod yes ? And fo if you meet with thofe that wrong you, it is the difeafe of their fouls, and therefore let not our fpirits rife againft them, but rather pitty them : And this was the commendations of the Martyrs to pitty them, and to pray for them as Stephen did, and this in- deed is true Chriflian like . --- But I am not willing to proceed further in this point, but we fhall go onto the next verfe. MA. TT: 5:iz. Bleffed are ye when men fhall revile you , and perfecute you and (hallfay all manner efev ll agai4 you falily fer my .fall!- Chrifl having fpoken of perfecution in general, here he comes to instance in a particular nerfecution, and that is the perfecution of the Tongue ,- Blefed are re ( faith he ) when men (hall revile you, rind perfectere yon, that is, perfecute you ßrì reviling you, and fhall fay all man, er of evil aggatnf you falfly for ,my falke r The Argument that this verfe holds forth unto us it' is